What is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight During Menopause?
Menopause is a part of every woman's life that comes as you reach your middle age. This part of your life brings some changes that can cause quite a few uncomfortable problems for you. Between the hormone changes, stress, and aging, gaining weight is the last thing you want to happen.
Many women gain weight during and after menopause. It can almost seem impossible to get rid of the excess weight no matter what you do. However, there are several steps you can take to make weight loss easier during this time.
Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause
Weight gain during menopause is not abnormal. It happens to a lot of women. Losing all the weight can seem challenging, but it is possible if you take the right steps. We have some actionable tips to lose weight during menopause that you can follow. Keeping up with these habits can help you get your weight to a healthier level and maintain it.
1. Low-Carb Diet
Multiple studies support the correlation of a low-carb diet and losing weight. The right diet can even help you reduce excess abdominal fat. One study observed postmenopausal women on low-carb diets. The study saw the subjects lose 7% of their body fat and almost four inches from their waist within half a year of maintaining a low-carb diet.
2. Increasing Activity
Regular exercise has always been an ideal way of losing weight during menopause. It promotes weight loss and helps improve your overall physical health during menopause. Many menopausal women experience muscle tone loss during and after menopause with an increase in body fat. Regular exercise can decrease body fat, and resistance training three times a week can improve lean body mass in postmenopausal women.
3. Prioritizing Sleep
Loss of sleep is a major factor that can contribute to weight gain in menopausal women, and it can have adverse effects on their overall health. Research has found a relation between sleeping disturbances and metabolic disruptions during menopause. Changes in your sleeping pattern can affect your appetite hormones, energy use, and the composition of your body fat. Focusing on getting enough sleep can help in cutting down menopause-related weight gain.
4. Relieving Stress
Menopause brings significant changes to your body, and that can also introduce a lot of stress in your life. Too much stress increases the risk of elevated cortisol levels that bother your sleep, increasing the risk of heart disease. It is necessary to find methods that can help you relieve stress to reduce symptoms in women going through menopause. Multiple studies show that yoga can help ease stress for women going through menopause.
Final Thoughts
Although the tips to losing weight during menopause will help you lose excess weight, you must focus more on your health than just losing weight. The number of pounds on the weight scale is not as crucial as how well you feel. Work with a medical professional to help devise a healthy lifestyle that can help you bring your weight down to healthier levels if you still struggle to lose and maintain weight.